Volunteering at ACT Historic Places

17 Nov 2017— 5 Jan 2018

Volunteering at ACT Historic Places

If you would like further information, or to apply, please contact the Front of House Manager on 6237 6502 or Lanyon.Homestead@act.gov.au by Friday 5 January.

Our volunteers bring enthusiasm and energy to our properties, sharing their stories, welcoming and guiding visitors. Calthorpes’ House, Lanyon Homestead and Mugga-Mugga each had their own fascinating and valuable part to play in the establishment of early Canberra.

“When I first applied for the volunteer position at Lanyon, I was asked what attracted me to the idea. My answer was: the history, antiques, gardens and the chance to share it with others. Three and a bit years later, I would also include: spending time with the lovely staff; meeting some fascinating visitors and having a lot of laughs!” Susan, volunteer.

Become an essential part of the team and share this history with visitors to the region. Our volunteers provide tours through our properties, and assist with the delivery of group tours and special events.